Monday, February 27, 2012

Sharin' the L♥ve with a grateful heart!!

OH. MY. GOSH! Y'ALL!! I am soooo excited!! I have had not one, but TWO (count em... TWO) AHMAZZING blogs feature MY kitchen reveal!! Ahhhhh!!! If you're new to the bloggy world, you need to know~ THIS, my friend, is a BIG deal! It's a SUPER high compliment and one NOT to be taken lightly! There are literally HUNDREDS of wonderful blogs linking up at the parties! LOTS and LOTS of UBER talented women (and on ocassion, men) linking their work, creations, thoughts/ideas, recipes..etc.. on these blog parties! So to be picked for a feature.... well, let's just say I am over the moon thrilled and HONORED! So if you haven't yet seen these blogs or know of the linky parties... go check them out! You think Pinterest is addictive?!? Ummm.... let's just say.... I'll send search and rescue if you've not been heard from in a couple of days! ;) Enjoy!!

I Heart Nap Time

and Carrie, over at A Sassy Redhead, likes to out people when they humiliate themselves.. It's good stuff ;) She outed my, how shall we say... tumble (here), on her blog and had the nerve to giggle about it! (I'm kidding.. I laughed my rear end off!! I'm a klutz and it's not an unusual event!)

A Sassy Redhead


  1. HAHA!! Girl, while I was reading, I was thinking, "Oh, dear Lord. These really nice and good people featured her on her fabulous kitchen, and me...well, I featured her on her grace on the playground."

    You're a mess and I love that you make my online life so much laughier!

    (And, yes. I'm quite aware that is not a word...but really, does it surprise you?)


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